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  • Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal lain (atau sudah dijelaskan dalam Komentar kepada Editor).
  • File naskah dalam format dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, atau RTF.
  • Referensi yang dapat diakses online telah dituliskan URL-nya.
  • Naskah diketik dengan teks 1 spasi; font 12; menggunakan huruf miring, bukan huruf bergaris bawah (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel diletakkan dalam teks pada tempat yang diharapkan, bukan dikelompokkan tersendiri di akhir naskah.
  • Pengetikan naskah dan sitasi mengikuti gaya selingkung yang disyaratkan dalam Panduan Penulis

Kindly, download author guidelines package here.

Before starting to submit a manuscript, authors are suggested to read author guidelines carefully. All documents described in author guideline. should conform to the following templates.

Submission Guidelines

  1. General

The aim of an Editorial is to stimulate idea (often with more questions than answers) rather than review the subject exhaustively. Editorials are usually linked to one or more articles published in the same issue. Personal statement and comment are perfectly legitimate since the Editorial is not anonymous, though of course such opinion needs to be reasonable and backed up by appropriate evidence. It should consist of 1200-1500 words. There is no tables and figures in Editorial session. The references can be taken up to 15 references.

  • Language all manuscripts should be written in English
  • The manuscripts should be an original and never been published or will not be submitted to another publisher
  • All papers submitted to JK-RISK will be subjected to peer or editorial review before that JK-RISK would like to screen for plagiarism.
  • Papers or manuscripts will immediately be rejected if JK-RISK found that its plagiarism
  • Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts for reasons style and content. All papers submitted should have obtained ethics committee approval
  • The duration of reviewing depends on the manuscript qualification
  • Manuscripts including tables, references and figure legends, must be typewritten with 1.5 space on 21cm x 29,7cm or size A4 paper along with margins of at least 2,5cm and justified margins
  • All manuscripts will be using Cambria. Size 12 for title, size 10 for abstract and contents
  • The overall similarity rate of a manuscript should not exceed 20 percent.

Make a new submission to the Editorial section.

Original Article

The original article provides substantial body of laboratory or clinical work. Additional data may be represented as supplementary information, which will be published online only if the article be accepted (this can be in any format: text, tables, images, etc.)

  • Word length usually be less than 4500 words.
  • Title: should be specific, should not exceed 20 words in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  • Author(s): correct names of each author, name, and address of the institution(s), for the correspondence author, please put the complete name, email, and telephone.
  • Abstract: Abstract in English and Bahasa is no more than 250 words contains Introduction, Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. It should be precise with enough information for the reader to understand the main points highlighted in the paper without having to read the whole article.
  • Keyword: select 3-5 keywords or short phrases that will assist indexers in cross-indexing the article.
  • Introduction: contains Background, Problem, and Objective of the research; Establish a gap in the current knowledge/ state the novelties, and articulate a hook that convinces readers that the gap is consequence. Brief description of the background that led to the study.
  • Methods: contains research design. The details should be relevant to the conduct of the study, Statistical methods should be clearly explained at the end of this section, and its analyses must be explained on the methods used. The methods should be explained with sentences, not points, statistical methods should be clearly explained at the end of this section, and its analyses must be described on the methods used.
  • Results: contains data or information which has been collected. The explanation should be systematically supported with graphic, table or illustration.
  • Discussion: contains the nature and findings of the study are placed in the context of other relevant published data, please avoid the rewrite the results to the discussion section.
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements and affiliations. Individuals with direct involvement in the study but not included in authorship may be acknowledged. The source of financial support and industry affiliations of all those involved must be stated.
  • References: must be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text, and written in Vancouver style. It usually below 30 references. It must consist of references of minimal 10 years recently and in the form of essay
  • The overall similarity rate of a manuscript should not exceed 20 percent.

Make a new submission to the Original Article section.

Review Article

  • Word length usually be less than 5,000 words
  • Title: should be specific, should not exceed 12 words in English
  • Author(s): correct names of each author, name and address of institution(s), for the correspondence author please put the complete name, email, and telephone.
  • Abstract: Abstract in English and Bahasa is no more than 250 words contains Introduction, Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.  It should be precise with enough information for the reader to understand the main points highlighted in the paper without having to read the whole article
  • Keyword: select 3-5 keywords or short phrases that will assist indexers in cross indexing the article
  • Introduction: contains 4 paragraphs without subtitle please state the rationale for the study some references, state the novelty and main problem or the report purpose also brief background that led to the study
  • Literature review: should be narrated in paragraphs
  • Discussion: contains the nature and findings of the study are placed in context of other relevant published data, please avoid rewrite a sentence or paragraphs from other sources without paraphrase them in order to misleading it into plagiarizm
  • Conclusion: should be narrated in a brief paragraph. The suggestion from author should be stated in conclusion
  • References: should be published in last 10 years and it is consists of 80% primary sources and the remaining 20% is secondary sources. References should be numbered in the order as they mentioned in the text according to Vancouver style.
  • The overall similarity rate of a manuscript should not exceed 20 percent.

Make a new submission to the Review Article section.

Case Report

All case reports that will be considered for publication are unique and rare cases with exceptional management and have important values for publication, word length usually be less than 3,500 words

  • Title: should be specific, should not exceed 12 words in English
  • Author(s): correct names of each author, name and address of institution(s), for the correspondence author please put the complete name, email, and telephone.
  • Abstract: Abstract in English and Bahasa is no more than 200 words contains Introduction, Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. It should be precise with enough information for the reader to understand the main points highlighted in the paper without having to read the whole article
  • Introduction: contains 4 paragraphs without subtitle please state the rationale for the study some references, state the novelty and main problem or the report purpose also brief background that led to the study
  • Case illustration includes patient history, physical examination, support examination, list of problems and diagnoses, management and therapy along with picture, table, and diagram also complete it with patient development records. highlight the positive side and avoid irrelevant details.
  • Discussion: contains the nature and findings of the study are placed in context of other relevant published data, explain how and why a decision was taken, and what lessons are learned from the case. References to research or other cases are only made to clarify certain matters. if the standard textbook has explained the alternative therapy that must be done, then it is sufficient to quote if it is very supportive or very contrary to the experience and conclusions Conclusion
  • References: must be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text, and written in Vancouver style
  • The overall similarity rate of a manuscript should not exceed 20 percent.

Make a new submission to the Case Report section.